biography Cove Reber ( Ex - Saosin)

Cove Reber, born August 28, 1985, is the current lead vocalist for the Capitol Records band, Saosin. He is from vista, california. Cove has been with saosin since 2004-present. He is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He replaced the former singer, Anthony Green (current frontman of Circa Survive) after Green departed from the band. He changed saosin completely. Saosin's most recent and new songs are coming from the inside of the bands members and their true experiences. Coming from me, saosin has become much more popular due to Cove joining saosin. Saosin has produced more spiritual and soft songs with cove.


biography Beau Burchell

Beau Burchell, born December 17, 1978, is an American musician, record producer, and audio engineer from Orange County, CA. He currently plays guitar and sings backup vocals in the band Saosin, and was previously in the bands Kosmos Express and Open Hand. He has produced and/or mixed over a dozen rock albums in the past 10 years. He also owns the record label “Death Do Us Part.” Beau, along with Justin Shekoski and Anthony Green formed saosin in 2003.


biography Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez is considered to be one of the best drummers in saosin's genre. Alex isn't shown off very much in videos or even concerts, but you will hear him smash the drums in almost every song. The most familiar has to be "bury your head." You will only know what its like if you listen to it. Rodriguez is from california, along with most of the band memers. he has been playing for around 11 years, and has mastered the art of drumming.


biography Chris Sorenson

Chris Sorenson is the lead guitarist in saosin, along side with Justin Shekoski. Sorenson has been with the band awhile now. he doesn't like to think that saosin has a "new" lead singer. His explanation is because Cove has been with them longer than Anthony Green has so he has basically been with saosin awhile. Coming from Cove, "He is the emotion of saosin." Chris doesn't hold back on any live event or any track.


biography Justin Shekoski

Justin Shekoski is one of the lead guitarists along with Chris Sorenson. Justin and Cove Reber write most of the lyrics for all of the saosin songs. Justin, Chris Sorenson, and Athony Green(original vocalist) were the members that originally formed Saosin. Justin is from California and has been with Saosin from the beginning.


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